[2nd] Conference on the History of Cartography

21-22 September 1967 — London

Held at the House of the Royal Geographical Society, with principal coordinators Eila Campbell, J. Brian Harley, G. R. Crone, R. A. Gardiner, Alwyn Ruddock, Peter Skelton, and Helen Wallis. Attendance estimates vary from “about 180” to “nearly 200,” from at least 16 countries, including Asia and South America, although Britain predominated. The Geographical Journal report says: “The conference had been widely publicized and aroused great interest.”

The one theme, “Early Maps as Historical Evidence” seems rather poorly chosen, giving the conference and its papers too much the feeling of a historical geography conference than one properly on the history of cartography, although it was clearly successful nevertheless. A discussion on “Problems and Future Prospects” closed the conference.

At the RGS was an exhibition “Jewels from the Society’s Collection,” (Wallis & Crone); another at Birkbeck College, “Recent Facsimiles,” (Skelton), and one at the Victoria and Albert Museum with rare maps from the British Museum.

There were 23 papers, of which 17 were read, although full copies of all were evidently distributed, read or unread. The Geographical Journal stated (see ref. below): “It is hoped that the conference papers will be published in due course; meanwhile, they may be purchased in sets at £1 each, or individual papers at 2s.6d., post free, from Miss E. M. J. Campbell, Department of Geography, Birkbeck College, Malet St., London, W.C.1. Copies of all except Professor Imhof’s opening address have been lodged in the Society’s Library.” Of the papers, 8 were published full in Imago Mundi, 22 (1968) (Black, Coppock, Harley, P. Harvey, Hopkins, Koeman, Lobel, Pognon), and another 8 in abstract (Adams, Andrews, Boer, Bull, Carr, J. Harvey, Roberts, and Sutton & Clout).

Papers 2nd ICHC

  1. Adams, Ian H. Scottish-Large-Scale Plans: Their Value for Studying the Evolution of the Scottish Rural Landscape. (11pp)
  2. Andrews, J. H. Some Episodes in the Early History of the Six-Inch Ordnance Map.
  3. Black, J. The “Blathwayt” Atlas, Maps Used by British Colonial Administrators in the Time of Charles II.
  4. Boer, George de. The Historical Variations of Spurn Point: The Evidence of Early Maps. (14pp)
  5. Bull, G. B. G. Estate Maps as Historical Evidence: The Example of Shopwich, Somerset. (7pp)
  6. Carr, A. P. The Growth of Oxford Spit: Cartographic and Historical Evidence from the 16th Century. (16pp)
  7. Coppock, J. T. Maps as Sources for the Study of Land Use in the Past. (19pp)
  8. Dujardin-Troadec, L. Some Historical Evidences in the Maps Exhibited in this Conference, Reprinted and Mentioned in the Recent Book: Les cartographes bretons du Conquet. La navigation en images 1543-1650 (Brest, 1966). (4pp) (Paper probably read by title only) (The book mentioned is by Dujardin-Troadec himself.)
  9. Gillies, Alan John. Surrey Estate Plans. (11pp) (Paper probably read by title only)
  10. Harley, J. B. The Evaluation of Early Maps: Towards a Method.
  11. Harvey, J. C. Early Maps as a Source for the Study of Field Systems with a Special Reference to the West Riding of Yorkshire. (19pp)
  12. Harvey, P. D. A. A 13th-Century Plan from Waltham Abbey, Essex. (6pp)
  13. Hervé, R. Les résultats de la critique des cartes dieppoises et apparentees, decouvertes insoupconnees des Espagnols dans les mers australes e 1526. (Paper probably read by title only)
  14. Hopkins, Ian W. J. Nineteenth Century Maps of Palestine: Dual-Purpose Historical Evidence. (13pp)
  15. Imhof, E. Art in Old and New Cartography.
  16. Koeman, C. Levels of Historical Evidence in Early Maps (with Examples). (16pp)
  17. Lawrence, G. R. P. The Tithe Surveys. (6pp) (Paper probably read by title only)
  18. Lobel, M. D. The Value of Early Maps as Evidence for English Urban Topography. (16pp)
  19. McMenamin, S. C. Estate Maps in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. (2pp) (Paper probably read by title only)
  20. Nunns, B. N. Early Maps and the Local Historian. (6pp) (Paper probably read by title only)
  21. Pognon, Edmond. Les plus anciens plans de villes gravés et les événements militaires.
  22. Roberts, B. K. An Early Tudor Sketch Map: Its Context and Implications. (12pp)
  23. Sutton, Keith, and Hugh D. Clout. The Maps of the “Ancien Cadastre” as Evidence for the Study of France in the Early Nineteenth Century. (8pp)


Wood also has the following lengthy work, whose author is the current Brazilian corresponding editor to Imago Mundi: Guedes, Max Justo. O Brasil em Dois Atlas Geográficos de 1570: O Theatrum Orbis Terrarum e o “Fernão Vaz Dourado” (Contribuição a Confêrencia Sobre a História da Cartografia, Londres-1967) (58pp). This was evidently distributed at the conference. Finally, Wood also has a two-page paper without author indicated, but which is most likely by Skelton(?): The Map Collections of the British Museum.


Imago Mundi 22 (1968): 9 (Harley)
Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen 110 (1968): 60-62 (Bonacker)
Geographical Journal 133 (1967): 575-76 (anon.)
Kartographische Nachrichten 18 (1968): 35 (Bonacker)
Canadian Cartographer, 4 (1967)