8th International Conference on the History of Cartography
VIII. Internationale Konferenz zur Geschichte der Kartographie
17-20 September 1979 — Berlin

Held in Berlin, under the auspices of the German Society for Cartography and Imago Mundi, with Wolfgang Scharfe the principal coordinator. Attendance estimates vary from about 120 to about 150, from 19 countries. Conference languages were German, French and English, and there was provided simultaneous translation, which promoted discussion, according to reports.

The thematic sections were five: “The works of a single cartographer,” “Treatment of a single region,” “Thematic maps,” “Discussion of particular elements on a map,” “Special questions.”

Three exhibitions were shown,

  1. “Prussia Represented in Maps,” at the Privy State Archives, with items from the archives and from the State Library (catalog: Preussen im Kartenbild: Ausstellung des Geheimen Staatarchivs und der Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz im Geheimen Staatsarchiv, Berlin-Dahlem vom 17. September bis 31. Oktober 1979, by Werner Vogel, Lothar Zögner, Wolfgang Scharfe, et al. Berlin, 1979 (86pp));
  2. “The Maps of Wilmersdorf from the Beginning to the Present,” at the Wilmersdorf Survey Office (catalog: Die geschichtliche Entwicklung Wilmersdordfs im Kartenbild. Ausstellung: Bezirksamt Wilmersdorf. Berlin, 1979);
  3. and an exceptional exhibition which gained considerable attention outside the conference, “Carl Ritter in His Time,” at the State Library (catalog: Carl Ritter in seiner Zeit 1779-1859. Ausstellung der Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin. 1. Nov. 1979 bis 12. Jan. 1980, comp. Lothar Zögner. (Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Ausstellungskataloge, 11). Berlin, 1979. (128pp,61ill.)).

There was a 2-day excursion to the Duke August Library at Wolfenbüttel, where there was also an exhibition, organized by A. W. Lang.

There were 43 papers, with evidently 41 distributed in full text, of which 26 were presented orally. There was a booklet with abstracts.

Papers 8th ICHC

  1. Alcay, Jaine, and Bastidas, Luisa. Periods of the Nautical Cartography in Chile (11pp)
  2. Anderson, Paul S. The Isla Fuerte of Juan de la Cosa’s World Map 1503. (Title translated from the German of Hinkel)
  3. Chang, Kuei-Sheng. Major Style Changes in Traditional Chinese Cartography. (13pp)
  4. Cook, Andrew S. “A Collection of Plans and Ports in the East Indies,” Published by Alexander Dalrymple 1775. (13pp)
  5. Desreumaux, Roger. Relations entre les arpenteurs et leurs employeurs a propos des plans terriers. (8pp)
  6. Dilke, Oswald Ashton Wentworth; and Dilke, Margaret S. Assessment of Ancient Mapping of Roman Britain. (5pp)
  7. Dörflinger, Johannes. Die ersten oesterreichischen Weltatlanten–Schrämbl und Reilly (1750-1820). (11pp)
  8. Engelmann, Gerhard. Johannes Honter als Kartograph. Lebensbericht. (12pp)
  9. Freiesleben, Hans-Christian. Die Bedeutung des Katalanischen Kartenwerkes von 1375. (9pp)
  10. Freitag, Ulrich. Deutsche Beitrage zur Kartographie Ostasiens im 19. Jahrhundert.
  11. Go_aski, G. on: depiction of relief on large-scale 16th-18th century Polish maps.
  12. Goldstein, Thomas. The Image of the Orient and the Discovery of the New World.
  13. Harley, J. Brian. Cartography and Politics in 19th Century England: The Case of the Ordnance Survey and the General Board of Health, 1848-1856. (46pp)
  14. Harms, Hans. Thematische Küstenkarten vor 1800. (10pp)
  15. Hinkel, Heinz. Die “statistische Aussage” in Karten des 18. Jahrhunderts der historischen deutschen Ostgebiete. (15pp)
  16. Jankowska, Maria. Evaluation of the Topographic Maps of 1830 for Mapping Landscape Change in Poznan Surrounding. (1p)
  17. Khachaturyan, M. M. Die Oekumene und die dritte Region Asiens nach kartographischen Angaben von Ptolemaus. (7pp)
  18. Kish, George. A Set of Illuminated Printed Maps to Accompany Berlinghieri’s Edition of Ptolemy’s Geography, 1482. (10pp)
  19. Kleinn, Hans. Die fruhen Verwaltungskarten des 18. und 19. Jahrhundert in Westfalen und den Rheinlanden. (7pp)
  20. Koeman, Cornelis. Die Darstellungsmethoden von Baulichkeiten auf alten Karten.
  21. Lindner, Klaus. Zur Entwicklung Berlins seit dem 17. Jahrhundert dargestellt an Hand von Karten und Planen. (20pp)
  22. Marshall, Douglas W. Military Drawing Conventions, 1650-1900. (5pp)
  23. Meine, Karl-Heinz. Martin Waldseemüller–seine Zeit und seine Werke aus heutiger Sicht.
  24. Montêquin, Francois Auguste de. Spanish Colonial Urban Planning: The Fortified Coastal City of Campeche in New Spain. (34pp)
  25. Neumann, Joaquim. Kartographische Generalisierung bei Apian. (9pp)
  26. Pastoureau, Mireille. L’edition cartographique in France avant 1700. (6pp)
  27. Pearson, Karen Severud. The Nineteenth-Century Color Revolution: Maps in Geographical Journals.
  28. Postnikov, A. V. The Cartographic Survey of Russia in the 18th and 19th Centuries as a Cartographic Monument and Historico-Geographical Source. (Title translated from German of Hinkel)
  29. Prakash, Satyah. Evolution of the Marine Cartography of India. Part 2: 1700-1873, The Bombay Marine & Former Indian Navy. (14pp)
  30. Rainero, Romain. Observations sur l’activité cartographique de Giacomo Gastaldi (Venise, XVIe siècle). (13pp)
  31. Ristow, Walter W. The”Ebeling-Sotzmann Atlas von Nordamerika.” (11pp)
  32. Schäfer, Hans-Peter. Die Schmitt’sche Karte von Südwestdeutschland und ihr landschaftsgeschichtlicher Quellenswert. (13pp)
  33. Schilder, Günter. Dutch Wall Maps of Germany in the 16th and 17th Century. (7pp)
  34. Schulz, Georg. on: the necessity for historians of cartography to study trends of the past that will improve the cartography of the present and the future.
  35. Schweitzer, Eugen. Römische Limitationsspuren–ausgedehnte Vermessungsraster in Mitteleuropa. (16pp)
  36. Stanley, ?? Vancouver’s Exploration of the North American Pacific Coast. (Title translated from German of Hinkel)
  37. Stephenson, Richard. The Millard Fillmore Map Collection. (Title translated from the German of Hinkel)
  38. Tardy, Janos. Ungarische Beziehungen von Karten aus dem 15.-16. Jahrhundert. Beiträge zur kartographischen Philologie. (14pp)
  39. Tyacke, Sarah. The Earliest Known English Charts of Guiana and of the River Amazonas, ca. 1595-1630. (19pp)
  40. Vayssière, Bruno-Henri. on: the history of triangulation in Europe from the sixteenth century to the time of Cassini III.
  41. Wolf, Arnim. Hatte Homer eine Karte? Beobachtungen uber die Anfänge der europäischen Kartographie. (7pp)
  42. Wolter, John A. Johann Georg Kohl and America. (14pp)
  43. Woodward, David. New Bibliographical Approaches to the History of Sixteenth-Century Italian Map Publishing. (6pp)


During a reception at the State Library, a Festschrift was presented to Walter W. Ristow: The Map Librarian in the Modern World: Essays in Honour of Walter W. Ristow, eds. Helen Wallis and Lothar Zögner (München, 1979) (See long review by Betty Kidd in Imago Mundi, 34(1982), 103).


Imago Mundi 33(1981): 93-95 (Woodward)
Kartographische Nachrichten 30 (1980): 25-27 (Hinkel)
The Map Collector 9 (1979): 36 (anon.)
地図 Chizu [Map] 18(1980) 2: 22-27 with 18 ill. (Watanabe & Kanazawa)
Società Geografica Italiana. Bollettino 117(1980): 136-40 (Astegno).
For more on the Ritter exhibition, see Kartographische Nachrichten 30(1980), 57-58 (Freitag), and Zögner in Carl Ritter-Geltung und Deutung (Berlin, 1981), pp. 213-23.