Explokart Fellowship
Explokart fellowships are granted yearly to scholars who want to study the history of cartography and explore the rich map collections in Amsterdam and beyond, in close collaboration with the Explokart chair of historical cartography at the University of Amsterdam and Allard Pierson.
- Research on the history of maps, mappings and cartography using public map collections and related source material in the Netherlands, in particular in Amsterdam;
- Research or projects closely related to the activities of the Explokart chair of historical cartography.
The Explokart fellowship is open for both young and established researchers, lecturers and map curators, from the Netherlands and from abroad. Holding a PhD is not a necessary condition for application.
The fellowship includes a reimbursement of 1000 euros per month and a public transport return ticket. The fellow will have a workplace with the necessary facilities at UvA Allard Pierson.
Fellowships are available for one up to six months. Fellows may however spread the fellowship over a longer period of time, for example when they have other professional commitments.
UvA Allard Pierson
Oude Turfmarkt 129
1012 GC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Deadlines and Application
Applications can be submitted by April 1st or October 1st. Applications must include the following documents:
- an official letter stating the reasons for the application and the duration of the fellowship (1 page);
- a clear and concise research proposal, with a work schedule (max. 2 pages);
- a letter of recommendation from an distinguished academic referee for scholars without a PhD; note that referees should send their letters directly to the email address mentioned below;
- an academic CV, including publication list (max. 4 pages);
- bank details for the reimbursement.
We expect from the Explokart fellows that they:
- will be frequently present at UvA Allard Pierson, in order to discuss and collaborate with other map historians;
- give or organise a public lecture, presentation or workshop in Amsterdam;
- contribute to the ongoing research projects and activities of the Explokart chair of historical cartography;
- prepare the publication of a scientific article;
- write a report at the completion of the fellowship.
Sign Up
Please send questions and submission to: info@cart-hist-cathedra.nl.
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